The rear facade of Original Music Workshop has been revealed, thanks to the recent demolition of our neighbor. Enjoy it while it lasts...
Assume Vivid Astro Focus for Original Music Workshop
Assume Vivid Astro Focus, our collaborator on the Eye to Eye installation at the Guggenhiem Museum, recently painted a new, large-scale mural on the facade of Original Music Workshop.
OMW Lens Flare
Construction progress and perfect lighting make for a great afternoon at Original Music Workshop .
Exterior Rail Detail at OMW
Here's a nice detail from a site visit at Original Music Workshop yesterday. This is the service-entry ramp rail, made from solid 1/4" plates of steel. It's certainly a case of the fabrication living up to the design intention.
OMW Scaffolding Down
Image Credit: Alexander Pincus
As exterior construction nears completion, the scaffolding has come down at Original Music Workshop.
Highlights / 2003 > 2013 / Original Music Workshop
After more than four years of work, and with a budget upwards of 15 million dollars, Original Music Workshop is Bureau V's most significant project to date. I won't go into details as it would require quite an essay, and likely a bit of psychoanalysis, but this project, probably more than any other, has made me re-evaluate everything I thought about making architecture, from process, to ambition, to execution. Mostly for the better (I think). I can say, with much excitement, that we are now roughly at mid-construction, with an opening set for the end of 2013.
Constructivist Swatches
Constructivist Swatches, Oil on Canvas, 24”x24
I love these paintings by my friend Tim Hull.
Home Depot Brooklyn
Who knew the Home Depot in Brooklyn was this awesome?
Faile and Bäst
Some nice new work by Faile and Bäst on a building we are working on in Brooklyn.
Juozas Cernius
I don’t really know Juozas Cernius, but he did include me in a photo show he organized. I was looking at his website and came across this awesome iphone photo montage of old cars in Brooklyn. Its made even better by his use of the animated Gif.