Noah Olmsted and I have been collaborating for more than five years on our photography series Love Always. This is the latest.
Michael Oatman
Michael teaches architecture with me at RPI, I didn't know he made amazing collages like this.
Romon Kimin Yang Aka Rostarr
Rostarr | La Lune (With Blessings) | 2012
I just heard from my buddy Rostarr for the first time in a long while. And this led me to his website and latest work. Way cool. I love the prints he's made for Paper Monster (above).
Chris Cran Website
Self-Portrait With the Combat Nymphos Of Saigon | Chris Cran | Oil and acrylic on canvas | 54.5" x 84" | 1985
Chris Cran, my father-in-law, and one of Canada's most celebrated artists, has launched a new website featuring his work in painting from the early 80's up until the present day.
Keith Sonnier at Mary Boone
"Ba-O-Ba II" by Keith Sonnier, 1969
Two days left to see Keith Sonnier at Mary Boone.
Jose Parla Broken Language
Fresh off of the unveiling of his massive mural at Barclays Center and another recent mural for BAM, Jose has a new show opening at Haunch of Venison in London.
Curtis Kulig
I just came across this sweet Curtis Kulig piece...
Wilding Cran Gallery
Wavelength of Speech, Hap Tivey (2007)
My brother-in-law, Anthony Cran, and his wife Naomi Wilding, have recently opened Wilding Cran, a Los Angeles based gallery representing international contemporary artists.
Chris Cran in Canadian Biennial
Chris Cran, Family (1987). Oil on canvas
My father-in-law, Chris Cran, is included in BUILDERS, the Canadian Biennial at the National Gallery of Canada.
Peter Boyd
Peter Boyd is an awesome guy, an art collector, and now he makes wine. Marsha Lederman profiles the him in the Globe and Mail:
An art collection that pays homage to artists connected to the Canadian West
As soon as he left the University of Western Ontario and landed a job, Peter Boyd bought a car, some furniture and his first work of art.
He has since spent “hundreds of thousands” of dollars on his art habit, running out of wall space at home and keeping much of his collection in storage (necessitated, in part, by the 2009 sale of his oil-field seismic-services company Arcis Corp., and the subsequent disappearance of office walls on which to hang the work).
More Related to this Story
Influenced by childhood trips to the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ont., he began his collection with historical work by artists such as David Milne, but has sold or gifted most of it and now exclusively collects contemporary art. His collection of about 100 works (it peaked at about 200) is populated with artists connected to the Canadian West, including Chris Cran, Douglas Coupland, Attila Richard Lukacs and Geoffrey James, but he also owns work by Robert Mapplethorpe and Eric Fischl. “You’re always falling in love with art if you love art,” he says.
His latest entrepreneurial venture is Genius Wines; its first release a pricey Sonoma County cabernet sauvignon he calls Creo. “It comes from the Latin word for creativity,” he says. “It’s my tribute to artists who are geniuses.”
Jose Parla
I hung out with Jose Parla a few nights ago, and before we went to dinner, we spent some time in his studio where I was lucky enough to see some of his fantastic new paintings.
The BMW School of Contemporary Art
This future / past BMW scene is on my friend Noah Olmsted's website. I have no idea what is going on here but I like it.
Sahar Ghanbari
My friend Sahar 'Des' Ghanbari has a new website featuring her amazing drawings.
Chris Cran in Adbusters
Chris Cran is in the latest issue of Adbusters.
Jose Parla in T Magazine
It's great to see another one of my guys written up in T. Here is a question and answer of Jose Parla, talking about his work and new show.
Tim Hull in T Magazine
My friend Tim Hull is profiled in the New York Times T Magazine.
Cover Version LP
My friend Tim Hull has curated what appears to be a great show at BAM:
Cover Version LP
Curated by Timothy Hull
Opening Reception: Tue, Jan 11, 6—9pm
Exhibition on view through Mar 20
Natman Room, Peter Jay Sharp Building, 30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn
Cover Version (LP) is an exhibition in which diverse artists reimagine the cover art of albums they find influential. These unique reinterpretations of the iconic LP bring new life to the art that covers vinyl, highlighting the intersections of art and music.
Featured Artists: Glen Baldridge, Kadar Brock, Colby Bird, Jessica Cannon, Mathew Cerletty, Devon Costello, Justin Craun, TM Davy, Langdon Graves, Joseph Hart, Elizabeth Huey, Scott Hug, Butt Johnson, Faten Kanaan, Denise Kupferschmidt, Josh Kline, Erica Magrey, Michael Mahalchick, Eddie Martinez, Dave McDermott, Keegan McHargue, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Nolan Simon, Colin Snapp, Jennifer Sullivan, Nick Van Woert, Ryan Wallace and Will Yackulic
Stefan Hagen at White Box Munich
Diptych No 1, inkjet print 115 cm x 250 cm
Stefan Hagen, my architecture client and a highly sophisticated photographer, is having a show of his work at White Box Munich later this month.
Diptychs and Triptychs
Photography by Stefan Hagen
Kunsthalle whiteBOX
Grafinger Straße 6
Kultfabrik Gebäude 44
81671 München
S/U Ostbahnhof
On view at White Box Munich from November 13th 2010 until November 28th.
Gyan Shrosbree Installation in San Antonio
Mary Ellen Carroll
While talking to my business partner Peter about a dinner tomorrow night with our friend / architectural agent Mary Ellen Carroll, he made aware of her amazing book All the Men Who Think They Can Be Me.