Construction at Original Music Workshop is moving along swiftly. These photos show the interior performance hall and a few structural details. Notably, the springs footings for columns and beams have been put into place. These footings isolate the structure of the performance hall from vibration to reduce the amount of noise that can enter or escape the room.
Highlights / 2003 > 2013 / Jesus Saves From Sin
I took this photograph in Saluda, North Carolina in the summer of 2005 with my Nikon F100. It's part of a series of images taken throughout the South while travelling after I graduated from Columbia.
Isa Wipfli
My friend Isa Wipfli has a great photo-stream on Tumblr that shows his fashion, documentary, and experimental work.
Stefan Hagen at White Box Munich
Diptych No 1, inkjet print 115 cm x 250 cm
Stefan Hagen, my architecture client and a highly sophisticated photographer, is having a show of his work at White Box Munich later this month.
Diptychs and Triptychs
Photography by Stefan Hagen
Kunsthalle whiteBOX
Grafinger Straße 6
Kultfabrik Gebäude 44
81671 München
S/U Ostbahnhof
On view at White Box Munich from November 13th 2010 until November 28th.
Lake Havasu Spring Break
Isa Wipfli presents a terrifying / awesome series of photos of spring break at Lake Havasu.
Jim Gray for Mayor
Jim Gray is a brilliant businessman, savvy collector, and all around great guy, and he is running for mayor of Lexington Kentucky. If you live there, vote for him!
I donated a print of this photo to the Jim Gray for mayor fundraiser happening this weekend.
I was just in Rome and went to Zaha’s new Maxxi Museum. I was beyond impressed. It truly deserves all the praise it is getting.
Isa Wipfli Website
Isa Wipfli has a new website featuring work for Calvin Klein, New York Magazine, Wallpaper, and many others.
Pin-Up Photoshoot
Peter Zuspan and I were photographed by Alex Antitch for an article about young New York architects in the upcoming Pin-Up Magazine.
Mission One Motorcycle
Felix Rodriguez
Daniel Cooney Fine Art Gallery
Summer Salon
Work by Felix Rodriguez, Juliana Beasley, Bradley Peters and Rebecca Sittler.
Thursday June 25th from 6 to 8pm
511 West 25th Street #506
New York, NY 10001
New More Love Always
Noah Olmsted and I have started back up on our collaboration Love Always.
Libby Pratt
I just found out that my friend Libby Pratt is a photographer, and that she’s good too.
Isa Wipfli Shoots Cover Story for Intersection Magazine
Isa Wipfli took these amazing photos of powerboat racers for this months Intersection magazine.